Smog Stuff

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The 1997 ABA engine has a good amount of smog equipment. In order for the computer to be happy (and for us to breath cleaner air) it all needs to be hooked up and working right.
At first I set it up with the catalytic converter, the two O2 sensors and the PCV system because that was easy. The check engine light was on and it wasn't too happy getting 15mpg because it never went into closed loop control. Later I hooked up the secondary air injection system, and one of the EVAP valves. it got happier, went into closed loop but soon lit the check engine light again (I use the OXS light), at least the mileage stayed at 19 mpg Hwy.
It never ran very smooth off idle when the light was on so I've been working on getting it all right. I've installed the charcoal canister as well as its own charcoal canister purge valve assembly and replaced the Mass airflow sensor. The one engine code that still has me worried is the "long term fuel trim too rich" and I wonder if it might be due to the free flowing exhaust.

The view through the left taillight hole. Air pump on left and Charcoal canister purge valve on lower right.

Another View of the Charcoal canister purge valve in the center.

The Charcoal canister just fit between the spring perch and the custom gas tank.

Charcoal canister hoses and the red part is the bracket holding it all in.

At the bottom is another electronic valve that's not mentioned in the Bentley. My Bentley manual claimed to cover through '97 model year but was seriously lacking regarding the new systems.

Onward to the battery>>

Last update 7/26/99