The A3 Throttle Installation

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The accelerator cable needs to come up the left side of the van instead of the right.
Fortunately the van had a handy hole in the frame to mount it on. No drilling required! Just reroute it.

The cable end from the diesel was nothing like the ball that was needed for the A3 throttle body. A little shaping with a dremel tool made it fit great. The cable housing from the diesel mounted right on the Jetta mount.

The cable was now about 1" too short. This is easily fixed with a cable clamp and a piece of SS welding wire 1/8" dia. up front.

This is the last use for the Diesel Cruise Control (tm). holding full throttle so you can check the cable adjustment. Cable adjustment is critical because the Vanagon pedal barely has enough travel to get to full throttle.

Onward to wiring! ->>